All 10 Title Pages

All 10 Episode Title Pages

To read the screenplays that go with them go to:

The Story:
I love Jane Eyre and can't stop reading it. (I might not be exaggerating when I say I've read it 30 times in the past 2 years.)  However, watching the movies (and there are many) I can barely get through any of them without cringing!  They are either inaccurate or old or miss the point.  I became so frustrated by them!  Rather than stay stuck there, I used that frustration as motivation to write my own adaptation.  Since never in my life have I ever had a desire to write a script I have no experience. I learned as much as I could as fast as I could and wrote like a maniac at night when the house was quiet. I have a husband, 5 kiddos, a busy life plus Lyme disease (and since I've started this script-writing journey my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia, Labor Day 2017.  So now, I spend a lot of time waiting in hospital waiting rooms, meanwhile researching more about Jane Eyre.)  Whew!   All that to say, I have written what I think is an amazing script for a J.E. mini series.  But now what?  I have no money and no connections.  I live in the country buried in PA.  What to do?  If Charlotte Bronte can overcome her obscurity, poverty, and impossibilities surely that proves there is hope for me too.  I happened upon Amazon Studios where writers can publish their movie screenplays for free.  As soon as I could, I uploaded and reformatted and published all 10 of my series there.  But then what?  How would people find my needle-scripts in the thousands of other screenplays-haystack?  I had to think of free ways to share them with others and make it easy for them to find them.  Pinterest!  Perfect!  And it just occurred to me to start a blog here as well.  And after this, I'll head over to Facebook.  So, if you love Jane Eyre and want to help get another adaptation made, please go to the website below to rate my new mini series. Read and enjoy!  :)


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